Invisible Journey To A Beautiful Smile


Invisalign, a revolutionary advancement in orthodontic services, is a clear aligner treatment designed to straighten teeth without the use of traditional braces. Developed by the best orthodontists, Invisalign offers a practically invisible solution to correct various orthodontic issues, such as overcrowding, spacing, and bite problems.

How Is It Different From Other Options?

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are clear, removable, and custom-made to fit your teeth. While traditional braces require metal brackets and wires, Invisalign uses a series of clear plastic aligners, which are almost unnoticeable and offer more comfort and convenience. It’s the innovative result of the best orthodontist near me for Invisalign, giving you the freedom to eat, drink, and maintain your usual oral hygiene throughout your treatment.

What is it Like to Get Invisalign®?

The Invisalign journey begins with a consultation with an Invisalign orthodontist who takes a digital 3D image of your teeth. This image is used to create a customized treatment plan outlining the expected duration and changes to your smile. After that, you’ll receive a series of aligners, each one to be worn for 1-2 weeks, gradually shifting your teeth into the desired position.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

Invisalign treatment duration varies depending on the complexity of the orthodontic issue. On average, it can range from 12 to 18 months, similar to traditional braces.

Is It Painful or Uncomfortable?

The first few days with a new set of aligners may cause slight discomfort, but it’s generally less painful than traditional braces. The smooth plastic aligners have no sharp edges, reducing the chances of mouth sores or injuries.

How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of Invisalign treatment in Jacksonville is often comparable to traditional braces and can be covered by orthodontic insurance. At Ortho 99 Plus 1, we provide a variety of payment options, making the best Invisalign orthodontist near you more affordable and accessible to all.

Financing Options

Does Insurance Cover Costs?

The short answer is it depends upon your insurance carrier. The good news is we accept a wide variety of insurance carriers at Ortho 99 Plus 1. Head over to our insurance overview page for more details on carriers. And as with everything else about our treatments options, contact us if you have specific questions.

If you’re uninsured or require further assistance after filing an insurance claim, our Ortho 99 Plus 1 team can guide you towards alternative solutions and flexible payment plans, ensuring treatment stays within your budget.

Insurance Page

Why Choose Ortho 99 Plus 1?

Choosing Ortho 99 Plus 1 means opting for quality, experience, and a commitment to affordable care. Dr. McDaniel and our team are dedicated to making orthodontics available to everyone. Whether it’s traditional braces, clear braces, or any other orthodontic services, we ensure that you receive the highest standard of care without breaking the bank.

Dr. McDaniel and his staff have extensive experience in Orthodontics

Always free, no obligation consultations

No down payment, and $99 per month payment options

Same day options

Never any records fees (up to $500 savings)

Get Started Today!

Starting your journey towards a healthier, more beautiful smile is as simple as scheduling a consultation at Ortho 99 Plus 1. For those searching for “Invisalign near me,” look no further. Call us or visit our website today to book your first appointment with one of our orthodontists and take the first step towards transforming your smile.

Schedule your free, no obligation consultation and get on your way to your new smile!

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by Room 118, Inc.