Orthodontist Specialist of Jacksonville: The Expert in Dental Alignment

June 20, 2023

Choosing a orthodontist specialist in Jacksonville, Florida, is a decision that can impact the rest of your dental health journey. You may know that an orthodontist specializes in aligning the teeth and jaws to optimize your smile and oral health. But how do you find the right orthodontist specialist in a city as vast as Jacksonville? Here are some tips and tricks to help you find the right professional for you.

What Does An Orthodontist Specialist Do?

An orthodontist is a dental professional who has undergone specialized training to correct issues related to teeth and jaw alignment. They use a variety of treatments, including braces, clear aligners like Invisalign, and even orthognathic (jaw correction) surgery to improve your bite and give you a healthier, more attractive smile.

If you're experiencing problems like overcrowding, gaps between your teeth, overbite, or underbite, an orthodontist specialist is the expert you need. These issues are not just cosmetic; they can affect your ability to chew, speak, and maintain oral hygiene.

How Do I Find The Best Orthodontist Specialist in Jacksonville?

When seeking the best orthodontist in Jacksonville, consider the following factors:

Credentials and Experience: Look for a board-certified orthodontist, which means they've undergone extensive training and passed rigorous exams. Also, consider their experience, especially in providing the specific treatment you need, whether adult braces, lingual braces, ceramic braces, or clear aligners.

Reputation: Check online reviews on platforms like Yelp or Google. Also, ask for recommendations from your dentist, friends, or family members who've had orthodontic treatment.

Office Environment: We recommend visiting the office to get a sense of the environment. Is it clean and modern? How friendly and helpful is the staff? This matters because orthodontic treatment typically means you'll be visiting this office regularly for a while.

Treatment Cost and Insurance: Orthodontic treatment can be a significant investment. Always ask about the cost upfront and check whether the orthodontist accepts your insurance. Some practices also offer flexible payment plans.

Initial Meet and Greet: Most orthodontists offer a free or low-cost initial consultation. Use this opportunity to meet the orthodontist and ask questions. Do you feel comfortable with them? Do they listen to your concerns and explain things clearly?

Remember, choosing the right orthodontist specialist for you may be different than that for your neighbor. You should feel comfortable with the orthodontist's credentials, communication style, office environment, and treatment plan. The journey to a beautiful smile is a team effort between you and your orthodontist, so finding the right match is crucial for a successful and satisfying orthodontic experience.

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Why Choose Ortho 99 Plus 1?

Choosing Ortho 99 Plus 1 means opting for quality, experience, and a commitment to affordable care. Dr. McDaniel and our team are dedicated to making orthodontics available to everyone. Whether it’s traditional braces, clear braces, or any other orthodontic services, we ensure that you receive the highest standard of care without breaking the bank.

Dr. McDaniel and his staff have extensive experience in Orthodontics

Always free, no obligation consultations

No down payment, and $99 per month payment options

Same day options

Never any records fees (up to $500 savings)

Get Started Today!

Starting your journey towards a healthier, more beautiful smile is as simple as scheduling a consultation at Ortho 99 Plus 1. For those searching for “braces near me,” look no further. Call us or visit our website today to book your first appointment with one of our orthodontists and take the first step towards transforming your smile.

Schedule your free, no obligation consultation and get on your way to your new smile!


Arlington Office


7410 Merrill Rd. Suite 2, Jacksonville, FL

Bartram Park Office


13920 Old St. Augustine Rd. Suite 103, Jacksonville, FL

Beach Office (Coming Soon!)


7410 Merrill Rd. Suite 2, Jacksonville, FL

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