Orthodontics Insurance: Understanding Your Coverage in Jacksonville

June 25, 2023

Understanding the ins and outs of orthodontic insurance can seem tedious and daunting. However, to maximize your plan, it is crucial to comprehend what is covered and what isn't covered. If you reside in Jacksonville, Florida, not to worry, we will break down everything the essentials of navigating your orthodontic insurance coverage. This way you can make informed decisions about your oral health.

1. How Is Orthodontic Insurance Different?

Orthodontic insurance often separates from standard dental insurance, covering treatments to correct teeth and jaw alignment issues. This coverage may include braces for adults, clear braces, ceramic braces, lingual braces, and even Invisalign treatments. It's important to know that orthodontic insurance usually has a lifetime maximum coverage limit, which means the insurance will only pay up to a certain amount for orthodontic treatments throughout your life.

2. Does Insurance Cover All My Orthodontic Treatment?

While insurance policies differ, most plans do cover orthodontic services. However, the coverage level can vary widely. Some programs may cover up to 50% of the total treatment costs, while others may offer a fixed dollar amount regardless of the total cost. Some insurance plans may also have waiting periods or age limits for orthodontic coverage.

3. What Plan Should I Choose?

When selecting an insurance plan, consider the types of orthodontic treatments you or your family may need. In Jacksonville, orthodontic specialists provide various services, from adult orthodontic insurance to insurance that covers traditional braces or clear aligners like Invisalign. Make sure the plan you choose caters to your needs.

4. In-Network vs. Out-of-Network

In-network providers have agreed to the insurance company's terms and rates, making them typically more affordable than out-of-network providers. However, weighing the costs with the quality of care is essential. Even if an orthodontist is out-of-network, they may still be your best option. At the end of the day quality matters most to ensure the largest return on your smile.

5. Are Payment Plans Available?

If your insurance does not fully cover your treatment or lacks insurance, some Jacksonville orthodontists offer payment plans or financing options. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) or Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) can often be used to pay for orthodontic treatments.

6. Who Do I Contact To Learn More?

Your orthodontist is an excellent resource for understanding your insurance coverage. Clinics like True Image Ortho and the Orthodontic Specialist of Florida often have staff members skilled at navigating the complexities of insurance plans.


Orthodontic treatment is an investment in your health and self-confidence. Understanding your orthodontic insurance allows you to maximize your coverage and ensure you're receiving the best possible care. Remember, each insurance plan is different, so it's vital to review your policy's specifics or consult with an insurance representative. In Jacksonville, many great orthodontists can work with you and your insurance to make your journey to a better smile as seamless and affordable as possible.

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Why Choose Ortho 99 Plus 1?

Choosing Ortho 99 Plus 1 means opting for quality, experience, and a commitment to affordable care. Dr. McDaniel and our team are dedicated to making orthodontics available to everyone. Whether it’s traditional braces, clear braces, or any other orthodontic services, we ensure that you receive the highest standard of care without breaking the bank.

Dr. McDaniel and his staff have extensive experience in Orthodontics

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Starting your journey towards a healthier, more beautiful smile is as simple as scheduling a consultation at Ortho 99 Plus 1. For those searching for “braces near me,” look no further. Call us or visit our website today to book your first appointment with one of our orthodontists and take the first step towards transforming your smile.

Schedule your free, no obligation consultation and get on your way to your new smile!


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